Sunday, July 23, 2006

Electric shock.

Kath reminds me that I said on the blog that I would report back after going on my boat electrics course at Reading. Well I turned up but the electric shock was that it was cancelled so I had to go ohm again. Another guy from Woking had also shown up - I guess you could say he was in the same boat :-). The college, sorry, University, said they had been ringing round to tell people, but they hadn't spoken to me or my answerphone, or the guy from Woking. I had to write to them last week to remind them I hadn't had an apology or a refund yet. An email came back apologising and apparently I should get repaid next week. Any way thats the current situation. I would have put up some resistance but I don't think it would have caused a potential difference. It has however 'ampered my chances of understanding the electrics.

Don't assume Tony Brooks is at fault. Its the college, sorry University, not him. Apparently not enough takers for the course.


Anonymous said...

Craig has read this piece and concludes my current humour is partly your volt! Although no parent can fully orchestrate their children's traits, they can certainly act as semi-conductors!!

Anonymous said...

I (and Craig) feel it is reasonable to conclude that my current humour is partly your volt! Although no parent can fully orchestrate their children's personality traits, you can certainly act as semi-conductors!!

Neil Corbett said...

You're getting more like your old diode since you left ohm.