Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A very special award

Late last night I decided I would make a special Herbie Award.  I'd been reading some other boater's blogs and messages to Canal World Forums about life for those frozen in on their boats.  In particular those continuous cruisers who are stranded in the countryside away from sources of fuel and water.  Once their water runs out, and their logs or heating oil are finished, they are in real difficulties.

It was all summed up well by Sue of No Problem in her post yesterday, concerned about fresh water supplies and the treacherous walk to fetch it.  Not that she was really complaining, for anyone reading her blog over the years will know of her adaptability and stoicism.  Real continuous cruisers (rather than continous moorers) have my respect at this time of year.  I wonder if after this winter some will decide the floating life is no longer for them.

So I decided to make a Herbie Award for Fortitude and dedicate it to all those brave souls struggling out there at the moment.  On their behalf I will give it to Sue and Vic on No Problem (seen here in warmer days)

Sorry Sue and Vic, this award has no monetary or any other value.  Just recognition of the stoicism of you and your fellow CCers.  I hope you will accept it on their behalf.


Anonymous said...

Great choice - a well-deserved award, not least for all the invaluable cruising information on their blog!

Sue, Indigo Dream

Anonymous said...

Ooh, good choice. Their blog was one of my first inspirations to go a-narrowboating. They made it all look so easy!..

Sue said...

Well I feel very honoured.. I always look forward to your annual awards, and hey I got to receive one on behalf of others!.. Thankyou!

Well Neil, I accept this award on behalf of all genuine continuous cruisers, especially my fellow blogging friends..

How am I doing with my acceptance speech?

You know what Neil this blogging lark is wonderful, and reading other boating blogs brings a whole community together.

I have met a lot, and not met a whole lot more, but what a thrill it is when two blogging boater's bows come together..

The genuine continuous cruiser blogs are an inspiration to so many who dream to do the same, hopefully between us all we can inspire those who want to take this wonderful 'gamble'

Now I know you do not hand out any prizes for these wonderful awards, but hey, how about a nice "Herbie Award for Fortitude" image that we the CCer winners can display proudly on our blogs?

Vallypee said...

Sounds like an exceptionally well deserved award to me. I also enjoy reading these awards. What's more Sue's 'speech' is stirring my roving blood. Time I got moving on my barge before I become too landlocked here in watery NL ;)

Neil Corbett said...


A very moving speech. Thank you.

As to the Award image - a brilliant idea. I'm on the case.

Keep warm


Nb Epiphany said...

A great idea Neil and Sue and Vic are a "shining example" of our collective fortitude in these weather conditions. We are luckier than some in our ice bound world as we have fellow resi narrowboaters around us who are great company and helpful. But like Sue I have really iticy feet and look forward to being able to carry on CCing. Hope all is well with you, Happy Christmas. Fiona and John, fellow bloggers and CCers on Nb Epiphany in the "wilds" of Oxfordshire!

Unknown said...

Hello everybody, My husband myself and our 13year old son are new to the waterways, 2 years, and even newer to continuous cruising, which we do officially. We moved aboard in April this year and have enjoyed a beautiful summer and now we have probably the worst winter.
We got caught out near to Acton Bridge on the Trent & Mersey and our days are just full of surviving, just getting the water takes half the day up as everywhere near to has frozen. We are having a great time and have lost 2 1/2 stone between us,,,,ha ha worth the hard work then...
I have started a blog though it may be a bit amateur yet. Our boat is called MILLIMAIZE being the names of our 2 jack russells Millie and Maizee. I think the award was wonderful and deserved, i am going to check out your blog now lotsa love. x