Monday, December 24, 2012

Herbie's 2012 Video Christmas Card

(you'll need to click the button to see the show)

Many many thanks to all the Herbie Blog readers this year,  I hope you have enjoyed some of it. And special thanks to  those who have sent in comments. Your feedback keeps me going.

It has been lovely this year to meet up with so many friends on the cut.  Do give us a shout if you see us and drop by if we are moored up.

Have a  very Merry Christmas and a great 2013.  Let's hope we get better weather!

Neil & Kath


Anonymous said...

Loved the music Neil bet that was played on one of those who's name sounds like a weapon of mass destruction but has got more ees in it. Might be completely wrong but at least I know it wasn't the small pipes. Whatever it was indeed an Aaaah moment.


Carol said...

Lovely! Here’s hoping you have a great Christmas and a dryer new year!

Neil Corbett said...

Hi Roy
I confess you have me baffled WMD with more ees???
Merry Christmas anyway
Carol - Thanks. Have a good one

Rainman said...

Does Roy mean mandolin and mangonel? Happy Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful - have a happy holiday botha dn I'm sure we'll contrive a boaty meeting in the New Year...

Sue, nb Indigo Dream

Neil Corbett said...

Aah i just realised what Roy meant.
Presumably Bazooka / Bouzouki. Sorry Roy, it was my cittern, about which there is a funny story which I might get round to posting later.


Halfie said...

I enjoyed the animated Christmas card, Neil. I'm a little late with this, but Happy Christmas to you both, and have a good 2013.