Kath bravely took the tiller while I fooled about on the bow prodding things with the long shaft in an attempt to keep us straight. Despite my best efforts we didn't manage to hit any boats or run aground in the bushes, but it was hardly a showpiece demonstration. However we're now in what must be one of the best moorings in this fair city.
And only a couple of minutes walk from the city centre. Worth the effort.
Maffi called by and introduced us to his friend Susan while we all drank tea, and then I wandered off down the road to view our next challenge, Osney Bridge.
It sure looks low, and our chimney is still stuck fast on the flue and cannot be removed so we'll just have to tell it to duck as we go under. According to the charts and my measurements of our air draft, we should have six inches to spare. Fingers crossed. That'll be on Sunday after we've had a mini city break amongst the supposed dreaming spires.
Ever since Aynho the canal water levels have been fine. I don't know where all the water is coming from.
Ps I amended my canal place gps gathering app to record the time (as supplied by the satellite) as we pass each spot on the list. Now I can look back at our timings and speeds. This is getting more like Formula 1 data work by the minute. Engine revs next?
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