Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Here we are aboard Herbie and going nowhere.  I'm grounded.  You know when people get told 'You're under investigation - don't leave town.'  That's me that is.

No I'm not a criminal suspect, I'm awaiting an angiogram appointment because of a sudden bout of chest pains a couple of weeks back, so I'm not supposed to be out of easy reach of an ambulance - just in case.  I shouldn't be all that surprised, my dear old dad was an angina sufferer at my age, so I guess I'm a chip off the old block.  Strange though that it should come upon me so suddenly, although it isn't going away. No more English breakfasts at Wetherspoons (even though they were a rare treat).

Out here on the South Oxford most of the canal is away from roads and the phone signals are pretty poor too, so we won't be going anywhere until I get sorted.  Luckily our spot in the marina is very pleasant, so we can still spend time aboard, which is what we are doing now.

One good thing is that my closer attention to (my already reasonably healthy) diet has already knocked half a stone off my weight.  What's more, I have been forbidden strenuous exercise (although I have been to our regular exercise class a couple of times, taking it steady) for the time being, so I'm on light duties only  Every cloud has a silver lining:-)

Hopefully I might get a stent or something to put me back to normal.  Fingers crossed.

Anyone offering me medical advice or anything other than the mildest sympathy will be shot.