Monday, July 17, 2006

Camping in a gale

When we bought Herbie, we decided not to give up our summer camping breaks at some of our favourite spots. One of these is the Warren at Folkestone where we have just spent the weekend in our trusty Dandy camper (now in its eleventh year and good for another twenty). The warren camp site is right above the beach and is surrounded by really abundant plant and animal life. What's more on a clear night you can see firework displays in France!

Our Dandy at Scotlands Farm near home.

Despite the hot weather, the nights were really windy and on Saturday night we had the strongest gale we have camped in for many a year. Although our position was very sheltered a nearby tent had poles broken and we could hear people hammering in guy line pegs well into the night. However it didn't come anywhere near our experience in the Towersey festival hurricane in (was it?) 1986. The morning after that we were one of only a dozen tents standing out of a couple of hundred!

I hope it was more sheltered where Herbie is moored!


Anonymous said...

Hi Neil,
We just made contact with an old neighbour of ours who is apparently involved with the Dudley Canal Trust, and this prompted me to find your blog, which obviously I have done. Lots of interesting stuff - looks like we've got a bit of catching up to do.
all the best,
Anita Evans

Neil Corbett said...

Hi Anita, fancy you stumbling on this! Sooner or later my pipes will find a way into the blog so keep any eye on it!
