Being Buckby of course we felt it appropriate to use an image of a lovely Buckby can on the label.
The gin is delicious but I think the rum is even better. Same recipe, just rum instead of gin. The trouble is, it is so popular that I have already given away half of it as Christmas presents.
Now, here's a question, can you use sloe rum in cocktail recipes that ask for sloe gin?
Gin does horrible things to Richard's nervous system and I don't like it, but we do have an abundance of sloes in the garden - the rum sounds like a perfect solution.....
Sue, Indigo Dream
Sloe rum tastes somewhat different from the gin, but neither taste like the base spirit, the sloe flavour is predominant. The rum is a bit brown sugary as you would expect.
To get nearer the sloe gin flavour for cocktails I would try something like sloe vodka. I have never tried it but know people who have.
Hope you had a merry Christmas folks, The News letter kept me smiling for several hours...Who is the wit? mmmmmmmmmsloe rummmmmmmmm
Thanks for the advice - sloe vodka would work nicely - we've certainly got enough vodka sloshing around (what with Richard's Polish roots and all).
Now the next question, if I put sloes into the bottle of vodka which has a real scorpion in the bottom will it taste better or worse.....
Happy New Year!
Sue, Indigo Dream
Sounds delectable Neil! Hope you all had a very merry Christmas, although by the sounds of it, that is a given!
Happy new year to you all in case I don't get back here again before 2010!
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