It’s a good job we’re not out on Herbie lately ‘cos I wouldn’t want her to experience the run of bad luck we are having at home. Everything seems to be breaking. How’s this for a list:
Just before Christmas our freezer stopped working – luckily under guarantee and now fixed
then since Christmas, all of the following
One of our loos (yes like M Lautrec we have two) stopped flushing. I managed to fix that by making a new valve flap in the syphon lift pump
Our rotary washing line pole broke in the strong wind (now five inches shorter)
Our microwave started acting up so we got a new one
Our fridge (OK it was 20 odd years old) packed up, so today we ordered a new one.
What next? I wonder.
Appliances do tend to break down in clusters - I've always put it own to aliens!
As long the humans are not breaking down then the rest is easiy fixed at Curry's :-D
Sue, nb Indigo Dream
p.s. Happy New Year
Oh dear. How depressing. I hope the run of break downs is now over!
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