Thursday, July 11, 2024

Mega Cruise and name-a-cat invitation.

 Never in all the 18 years we've had Herbie has she laid so long unused.  This year, things have conspired against us.  Every time we made a plan, something got in the way. Until now that is. Today we climbed aboard, battled with the cobwebs, started the trusty old BMC engine (fired up first go!) and set off into the wide blue yonder.  We've cruised all the way from Cropredy marina to . . . below Cropredy lock! That must be over a quarter of a mile.  Well it's a start.  We've barely a scrap of food on board and we're only part unpacked.  So Banbury tomorrow and food shopping and sorting out the boat after being laid up so long.

Anyone kind enough to have read my previous post deserves an apology.  I announced then that I was off to Herbie to commence repainting the cabin sides.  Well it turned out that that was about as true as a Boris Johnson Brexit promise.  For one thing I'd forgotten that I'd promised to take Grace and her pals to Thorpe park to celebrate completion of their GCSEs.  Then the temperature rose to 27 degrees - far too hot for painting, then it started raining -again a painting no no.  So that's on hold for the time being.

But there are other exciting developments to announce.  First, our ship's cat (kitten actually) has been selected from the short list.  He or she (we're still not sure!) is currently called Nose and is very sweet natured.  Two of her siblings have gone to Grace.

Nose is just a temporary name while we think up a proper one.  Maybe you can help out here with some ideas.  Suggestions so far include Parker (after Nosey parker), Schrodinger, Bilbo, Barnsley  that's a long story but it's a family joke), Milton (after our favourite Brewery), Guinness, Saka , Tuffers,  Rumpole, Banksy, etc.  Rejected ones include Jacob Rees Moggie.  Any ideas gratefully received. We take possession in about three weeks.

Our other bit of excitement is that we have kitted ourselves out with a pair of Brompton folding bikes to allow us to explore further from the canal when we tie up somewhere.  Bromptons are ferociously expensive new, but you can easily find really good used ones for half the retail price which is what we did.  Herbie is not a big boat, but we've managed to stow away the pair without too much bother.  Our maiden outing might be in a few days time when we can moor up near Twyford wharf and attempt an assault on Kings Sutton and /or cycle from The Pig Place to Adderbury.  We can also make good use of the Bromptons when we visit our Peter in Cambridge which unlike our own home is blissfully bereft of hills for the most part.  I'll be able to have more than one drink at the pub. Woohoo!


Pip and Mick said...

Tilly is wondering if she should pay a visit to show your ships cat the ropes once they are on board.
How's about Bug, as in Herbie the love bug?

Anonymous said...

How about Chippy in honour of your previous cat?


Herbie Neil said...

Pip & Mick
I'm sure Nose will love to meet up once we get him/her on board. Us humans ought to meet up too.


We still have Mrs Chippy on board. Can't have two.


Victor Vectis said...

Parker suits if he's a tom or, perhaps, Lady Penelope if not?
NB 'Red Wharf'

Pip and Mick said...

We most certainly do need to meet up. Unfortunately we'll not be down the South Oxford again this year. If you happen to venture further north in the next few weeks our bows may cross.