Once again we'll be using the rather splendid indoor wet dock at High Line Yachting in Cowley Peachey. We last used it two years ago for painting the roof and gunwales and other bits and pieces.
This time we've booked it for two weeks, which is barely enough really so I'm having to prioritise what must get done over what would be nice to get done. For the first couple of days we'll be mob handed as Rick, Marilyn and David have offered to help. So with five of us at it we ought to make good progress on the rubbing down if we can keep out of each other's way. We managed OK last time.
Looking back at the roofpaint photos it gives me heart to see that we all seemed to be having fun at the time, although I recall being tired and extremely dirty.
Anyway, if the before and after pics are as good, then I'll be happy.
count me in if you want even more of a mob - can certainly lend extra tools, i.e. belt sander, angle grinder with wire brush etc?
That's extremely kind! I'll let you know after the planning meeting if that's OK.
was it really 2 years ago. So much water etc.
Stuart is coming friday to cut back the branches over the mooring....not before time
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