Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How to save £5.80 in MK

Well the cows might be concrete, but boating though Milton Keynes you see very little of that particular material. You don't even see all that much brick, and what you do see, is glimpsed through the trees and shrubs that line the canal. I rather like it, which is just as well because on this occasion we will be passing through it three times. Down, back up, then down again. All will be revealed later.

On Sunday, the rain cleared late afternoon, so we made a dash for Cosgrove and finished up by the ornamental bridge. Adam had told us about the horse tunnel, which I never knew was there. It goes under the canal just south of the bridge and is very handy for getting across to the Barley Mow pub, which I am sad to report is OK but no better than that. On the way back, I must remember to take a photo of the tunnel because it has a very interesting profile, being amazingly horse shaped!

Yesterday, we ploughed on to Fenny Stratford and just at the end, got caught in a stonker of a downpour. Of course the sun came out just as we stopped. After mooring up and drying out we made our traditional trek down to IKEA where we did our equally traditional trick of buying several little things we didn't know we needed. By the way, did you know, if you forget to take your IKEA family card ( free coffee), and assuming you ever had one, you can log in at a screen in the restaurant, give your email address and d o b and it'll print a temporary one for you. That ended up saving us £5.80 in coffee and food discounts.

Today we turn round and start back up. Hopefully there will be a space at Campbell Park, so we can get into the town centre to have a mooch.

The book is now up to 43,309 words and I have been either very brave or very stupid by sending a copy of the first few chapters to a couple of trusted friends for criticism. It's a mean trick I know, but I need all the help I can get.

If it ever gets finished I can't decide whether to send it to Penguin Classics or Mills & Boon.


Carol said...

Hi Neil, where did you moor to be able to walk to IKEA?

Ian and Karen said...

I'm looking forward to publication of your book, hope it will make me laugh like your blog posts do!

Neil Corbett said...

Carol, it's ten or fifteen minutes walk from Fenny Stratford lock moorings. You might need to ask directions when you get to the bottom of the hill.

I&K, you laughter would probably be with derision at my literary incompetence.